Eventide is an Independent Living facility located in Two Hills, a town often referred to as the “Gateway to the North.” Two Hills is a charming town recognized for its hilly countryside, abundant forests, rich farming history and Ukrainian Heritage.
In recent years Two Hills has welcomed a large Mennonite community who are calling it home. The Mennonite community have aided in the development of the Two Hills and introduced new stores and businesses.
The town is located 137 km from Edmonton and is well serviced by diverse commercial services, health care facilities, and recreational opportunities including a curling club, tennis courts, ice arena, rodeo grounds, swimming pool and a stunning picnic area located along the Vermilion River.
One and two-bedroom suites with a kitchen are tastefully decorated with vinyl flooring and window coverings, and full private bathroom.
Building amenities include a social/recreation area, resident laundry room, and storage shed for residents.
Services and Features
Food Services
Meals are not provided at Eventide Homes however residents can arrange meal delivery through an outside agency like Meals on Wheels through FCSS at 780-657-3540. The meals are provided through Hillside Lodge.
Residents of Eventide may participate in Social program held at Hillside Lodge. We believe wholeheartedly in the importance of providing residents with programs that build on their strengths and provide them with activities that are both mentally and physically stimulating. Activities vary from site to site but may include outings, exercise classes, gardening, crafts, and games like bingo or cards. Bible studies and weekly church services also take place and are led by volunteers. Visits from children are encouraged and school groups visit Hillside Lodge several times per year. Holidays and birthdays are cause for celebration and provide residents with themes around which to plan events and parties that tend to involve cakes or sweets of some kind.
A recreation area is also provided for renters to host activities or birthday parties etc. at the Eventide location.
Interested in getting out and seeing what Two Hills County has to offer? Eagle Hill has a 16-passenger van that is used to schedule transportation for residents to events, performances and shopping.
Many of our residents prefer to stay home and visit with friends or take a walk around the grounds. At Eventide Homes there is no shortage of things to do or people to visit with.
There is onsite maintenance who tends to maintenance issues, lawn care or snow removal to allow you more time to socialize or just relax. Weekly housekeeping is provided for the indoor common areas.
Fees and Eligibility
To qualify, residents 55 and older must be physically and mentally capable of living on their own or with support from Home Care visits.
Residents pay 30 per cent of their monthly income to a maximum of $670/month for a one-bedroom suite to $760 for a two-bedroom suite. Rent includes heat; water and sewer; renters are responsible for telephone, power, and cable or satellite.
Eventide Homes
Two Hills, AB, T0B 4K0
Foundation Administrator
Address: Box 279
Two Hills, Alberta
T0B 4K0
Phone: (780) 657-2061
Fax: (780) 657-2081